I. Herd
Turkey BIG 6, 6th week
II. Clinical symptoms
Lameness and black, loose stool appeared in all buildings on the farm. Initially, the birds were given an acidifier followed by amoxicillin therapy for 5 days due to the problem of ankle joint inflammation. After treatment, the number of lamenesses decreased significantly, but the problem of diarrhea continued (Fig. 1 and 2), which was accompanied by increased mortality of 8, 11 and 12 birds per day.

Fig. 1 Loose, dark faeces

Fig. 2 Loose, dark faeces
III. Diagnosis
Diarrhea of bacterial etiology
IV. Recommendations
For 5 consecutive days, alternate:
BIOLAX PLUS 1000 ml/1000 l of drinking water, 12 hours
CLOSTRIC 1000 ml/1000 l of drinking water, another 12 hours
V. Effects
After 2 days of treatment, faeces began to have a more compact consistency and the amount of abnormal faeces also decreased, especially at the ends of the feed lines, where the most was observed. After the five-day treatment, abnormal faeces could be seen on the facilities, but the quality of the litter had improved significantly. In addition, the number of daily mortality had also decreased to physiological values (four birds per day).