Let's get to know each other.

For over 20 years, we've been caring for animal health. We apply our extensive experience not only in our daily work but also through collaboration with various partners in the business sector and the world of science.

Our history

In 2002, Michał Jankowski, a veterinarian with great passion for his profession and the idea of natural treatment of animals, founded the BioPoint company. As a doctor working in the field, he wanted to move away from the common use of antibiotics in the treatment of animals and reached for natural solutions, creating alternative products to support animal health.

BioPoint's first products were acidifiers and appetite-stimulating preparations. With experience, the range of innovative products expanded significantly and, currently, the company's portfolio consists of over 70 products.

Since 2008, with BioPoint's dynamic development, the sale of its products has expanded globally, and they are now available in over 40 countries worldwide, including Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

BioPoint historia firmy wlasciciel Michal Jankowski
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Mission and vision

Since the beginning of the company's existence, our mission has been to improve animal health by popularizing the use of products based on natural plant raw materials that reduce the use of antibiotics in animal breeding.

We recommend our products to everyone who understands the need to reduce the use of antibiotics and cares about the health, condition and high production results of animals. Our work is our passion, which we have been developing and strengthening for over 20 years.
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Our team

Our team consists of over 80 employees and associates who are not only experts in their industry, but also a unique group of enthusiasts for whom animal health is a priority.
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Company management

They are two experienced entrepreneurs who founded BioPoint over two decades ago. Their enthusiasm for innovation and relentless passion for improving animal welfare have been key to BioPoint's success. As a result, over the past 20 years the company has transformed from a local player on the Polish market into a global leader, expanding internationally.
Michal Jankowski 1

DVM Michał Jankowski

CEO BioPoint
Magdalena Niewiadomska

Magdalena Niewiadomska

CoCEO BioPoint

Research & Development

Our R&D department consists of technologists who, with great passion, create innovative solutions that are consistent with our company's mission of improving animal welfare.

At the same time, they are happy to share their extensive experience and knowledge as part of cyclical training courses for veterinarians, in scientific publications as well as in articles and advice available on our website.
Agata Andrzejewska Zasiadczyk

Agata Andrzejewska-Zasiadczyk

Animal disease & feeding consultant. Specialist in veterinary laboratory diagnostics
Andrzej Juszczuk

Andrzej Juszczuk

Chief technologist
Karol Jezierski

Karol Jezierski

Research and Development specialist
Nikola Jurczak

Nikola Jurczak

Quality Control Department assistant

Sales & Marketing Department

Our sales department is a group of experts operating dynamically on the Polish and international markets. Their extensive experience enables us to take a global approach to animal health, strengthening our bonds with customers around the world.
Natasza Rozmus Krol

Natasza Rozmus-Król

Marketing specialist
Dariusz Ziemak Przedstawiciel Handlowy

Dariusz Ziemak

Sales representative - Poland
Marcin Sobotka przedstawiciel handlowy

Marcin Sobotka

Sales representative - Poland
Przemyslaw Kochanski przedstawiciel handlowy

Przemysław Kochański

Sales representative - Poland
Sebastian Rozwadowski

Sebastian Rozwadowski

Export Manager (ENG)

Andrzej Widzewicz

Andrzej Widziewicz

Export Manager (ENG & FR)

Marcin Jankowski

Marcin Jankowski

Export Manager (ENG & ES)

Warehouse & Logistics

Efficient logistics and a competent team are one of the key factors that enable the company to quickly process orders, with high customer satisfaction. These is the team responsible for this in our company.
Dominka Patryucha Sokol

Dominika Patryucha-Sokół

Logistics manager
Krzysztof Rynduch

Krzysztof Rynduch

Logistics specialist

Piotr Zajkowski

Edyta Rzedkowska

Edyta Rzedkowska

Administration specialist

Partnership and achievements

Our commitment to improving product quality and promoting an innovative approach to nutrition in the context of sustainable animal production is reflected in our effective cooperations with various partners from business and scientific sectors, as well as prestigious industry awards we have received.

GUTFEED project

We are proud to have actively participated in the GUTFEED project from 2015 to 2018 as part of the BIOSTRATEG program consortium, with our knowledge and experience represented by Herberry sp. z o.o., in which BioPoint is a shareholder.

The main idea behind the entire project is to search for innovative nutritional solutions in sustainable poultry production. The specific task of the consortium was based on the use of patented technology for the production of extracts from BioPoint, in the context of producing 15 eubiotics with exceptional health-promoting properties and specific parameters of physicochemical stability and purity.

Importantly, the designed eubiotics were characterized by a controlled release process in the intestines, through the use of innovative encapsulation technology in a lipid and polysaccharide matrix. Their composition was standardized to the selected active substance, microbiologically stabilized and purified from potentially hazardous substances (e.g. allergens). Selected preparations were included in practical farm tests to confirm their effectiveness and usefulness in poultry production.

The entire process involved a consortium consisting of partners from both the scientific and business communities, i.e. University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, PIAST PASZE Sp. z o.o., Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Zootechnics Institute - National Research Institute, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding of the Polish Academy of Sciences, DNA Research Centre, and DSM company.

Academic collaborations

Biopoint cooperates actively at many levels with academic centres, in particular with the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM), where one of the largest projects we carried out together was a study on improving animal welfare by reducing the release of harmful volatile substances (ammonia, hydrogen sulphide) at a livestock facility.

Additionally, at UWM we regularly give lectures to students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine on the potential use of medicinal plants and conduct scientific research.

Press and media

Thanks to the prestigious "Business Gazelles" award received in 2014 in the 15th edition of the ranking of the most dynamic small and medium-sized enterprises of the daily newspaper "Puls Biznesu", BioPoint joined the club of Business Gazelles, and our innovative products receive industry awards.

In 2018, our flagship product, Biotix, a product that supports animal breeding at times of increased risk of viral and bacterial infections, received an award for an Innovative Agricultural Product from Farmer magazine.
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