Tea Tree, Scotch pine, Cinnamomum verum, Yellow Gentian, Elecampane, Iodine, Vitamin A

During periods of infection
Respiratory system
  • Supports the herd during fungal infections
  • Helps reduce the severity of symptoms of fungal infections
  • Supports the herd during unfavorable zoohygienic conditions favoring mycosis
  • Can also be used in the form of spraying

Product type: liquid

Available capacity: 1L, 2L, 5L

How does DEFUNGAL work?

DEFUNGAL PREMIX is a complete antifungal solution. Product contains 6 active ingredients with multidirectional mechanisms of action and vitamin A to promote epithelial regeneration. It can be used both with drinking water and for spraying. When used as a spray, it works locally in the respiratory system, but also in the poultry house environment. Spraying should be done after bedding to reduce the amount of fungal spores in the environment. It has an antifungal effect due to ingredients that inhibit mycelial growth, disrupt the integrity of the fungal cell wall and also inactivate the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of the fungal cell wall. The vitamin A contained in DEFUNGAL PREMIX further supports the regeneration processes.

Expected results

  • Helps reduce the severity of fungal infections

How to dose DEFUNGAL?

How to dose DEFUNGAL?
Standard: 200 ml/1000 l of drinking water, in ½ of the daily water drunk, 5 days
In the form of spraying: 200 ml/10 l of water/1000 m3/5 days, We always spray after bedding
In case of very severe symptoms and the risk of fungal superinfection: we recommend using both methods of administration (standard in feed + in the form of spraying).

DEFUNGAL we recommend use with the following products:

Support duringSupportive productWhy provide a supporting product?How to dose the supporting product together with Defungal?
Fungal infectionsMINTAMIXTo support the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and comfort of breathing during the period of mycosisIn spraying 200 ml/10 l of water/1000 m3, 5 days, always spray after bedding
ENTEROCID GROWERTo support the balance of the digestive microflora of chicks during periods of increased risk of mycosis200 g/1000 l of drinking water, in the second ½ of the daily water drunk, 3-5 days
Unfavorable zoohygienic conditions, use of poor quality litterMINTAMIXTo support the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and breathing comfort200 ml/1000 l of drinking water, in ½ of the daily water drunk, 3-5 days
To enhance the effect, we recommend simultaneous spraying of 200 ml/10 l of water/1000 m3, 5 days, always spray after bedding

Clinical Case No. 1

I. Herd

Broiler chickens ROSS 308 line, 27 days of bird life

II. Clinical symptoms

On the 27th day of the birds’ life, slight diversification of the flock, apathy and an increase in bird mortality to 300 birds per day were observed. These symptoms occurred suddenly without any previous signs and were not accompanied by any additional characteristic symptoms.

III. Anatomopathological examination

Anatomopathological examination revealed numerous fungal nodules in the lungs (Fig. 1 and 2).

Fig.1 Fungal nodules in the lungs

Fig.2 Fungal nodules in the lungs

IV. Diagnosis


V. Recommendations

With drinking water:

Defungal Premix 200 ml/1000 l of drinking water, continuous administration, 5 days

Mintamix 200 ml/1000 l of drinking water, continuous administration, 5 days

In spraying:

Defungal Premix 200 ml/10 l of warm water/2 times a day/5 days

Mintamix 200 ml/10 l of warm water/2 times a day/5 days

VI. Effects

After treatment, a decrease in daily mortality and culling of the flock to 30 birds was observed (Chart 1) and the birds returned to physiological activity. No fungal lesions in the lungs were observed in the postmortem examination of the dead birds. There was no adverse effect of the fungal infection on the herd’s performance; at the end of the production cycle, the herd achieved a satisfactory result (EWW 390). No recurrence of infection was observed until the end of the production cycle.

Chart 1. Daily mortality of birds before and after therapy.

Clinical Case No. 2

I. Herd

Indor BIG 6, 2500 head, 5 objects on the farm, 17th week of birds’ life

II. Clinical symptoms

In the 17th week of the birds’ life, in one of the henhouse on the farm, slight flock differentiation, reduced bird activity and an increase in mortality to 20 birds per day were observed.

There were no characteristic clinical symptoms; TRT had occurred on the farm a few weeks earlier.

III. Anatomopathological examination

Anatomopathological examination revealed:

  • single lesions on the air sacs in the form of small, white clusters – fungal nodules (Fig. 1)
  • single fungal nodules in the lungs (Fig. 2 and 3)

Fig. 1 Fungal nodules on air sacs

Fig. 2 Fungal nodules in the lungs

Fig. 3 Fungal nodules in the lungs

IV. Diagnosis


V. Recommendations

In a poultry house affected by the infection, spray:

Defungal Premix 200 ml/10 l of warm water/2 times a day/5 days

VI. Effects

After treatment, there was a decrease in the daily mortality of the flock to 10 birds (Chart 2) and a clear improvement in the behavior of the flock, i.e. a return to physiological activity. In the postmortem examination of dead birds, no fungal lesions were observed in the lungs and air sacs. No recurrence of infection was observed until the end of the production cycle.

Chart 2. Daily mortality of birds before and after therapy.

Manufactured using ALL – IN technology

All-In Technology is a patented technology for obtaining and standardizing herbal preparations. Each production stage is subject to strict control, from the selection of raw materials, through extraction, to the creation of the finished product.

Key features of patented all-in technology:

High product activity throughout its shelf life​

Constant product activity along the entire length of the drinking line​

Constant level of active ingredients​

Less susceptibility to external factors​

Low dosage, high efficiency​

Elimination of inactive substances​

Composition in 1L/1kg

Propylene glycol (13.11.1)

Sensory additives: Flavoring substances: Elecampane extract (CoE240) – 300,000 mg, yellow gentian extract (CoE214) – 30,000 mg, tea tree oil (CoE275) – 50,000 mg, Scots pine oil (CoE340) – 50,000 mg, cinnamaldehyde – 20,000 mg,
Dietary additives: Trace elements: Iodine (potassium iodide) (3b201) – 23,000 mg, Vitamins: Vitamin A (3a672b) 1,350,000 IU;
Technological additives: Emulsifiers: Polyoxyethylene castor oil (E484) – 200,000mg


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