Vitamin A, Vitamin K3, Zinc

Digestive system
  • Regenerates the structures of the digestive tract
  • Supports the regeneration of the mucous membrane during the occurrence of ulcers in the digestive system
  • Recommended for use as support after antibiotic therapy and after adenomatosis
  • Contains zinc in the form of chelate, which is characterized by greater bioavailability of organic compounds, such as oxides and sulfates

Product type: liquid

Available capacity: 1L, 2L, 5L

How does ULCERAN work?

ULCERAN is a product supporting the regeneration of gastrointestinal structures. It is recommended especially during the period of ulcers, after adenomatosis therapy and as support for the digestive tract after antibiotic therapy. Vitamin A and zinc support the regeneration of mucous membranes. Zinc supports the local immunity of the digestive system, is an activator of many key enzymes and influences the synthesis of many proteins. Vitamin K is necessary for the transformation of prothrombin, therefore it determines blood clotting processes.

Expected results

  • Supports reducing the occurrence of gastrointestinal ulcers

How to dose ULCERAN?

How to dose Ulceran?
Standard use: 250-500 ml/1000 l of drinking water,in the second ½ of the daily water drunk, for 5 days

ULCERAN we recommend use with the following products:

Support duringSupportive productWhy provide a supporting product?How to dose the supporting product together with Ulceran?
Risk of gastrointestinal ulcersZINCID LACTITo support regeneration processes500 ml/1000 l of water, in the second ½ of the daily water drunk, 3-5 days

Composition in 1L/1kg

Propylene glycol (13.11.1), Glycerin (13.8.2)

Dietary additives: Vitamins: Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate) (3a672b) – 10,000,000 IU, Vitamin K3 (3a710) – 27,500 mg;
Trace elements: Zinc (hydrated glycine zinc chelate – solid form) (3b607) – 12,000 mg;
Technological additives: Emulsifiers: Polyoxyethylene castor oil (E 484) – 75,000 mg

Analytical ingredients

Crude protein – 0%, crude fiber – 0%, crude oils and fats (including saturated fatty acids) – 0%, crude ash – 5%, lysine – 0%, methionine – 0%, calcium – 0%, sodium – 0%, phosphorus – 0%, magnesium – 0%

Humidity: 79%

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