Quercus robus, Charcoal, Oregano

Digestive system
  • Supports the animal body during periods of indigestion or diarrhea
  • Acts symptomatically during the occurrence of diarrhea
  • Supports digestion processes
  • Supports the body in fighting causes and symptoms of indigestion

Product type: liquid

Available capacity: 1L

How does STOPPER GEL work?

STOPPER GEL is a specialized mixture created to strengthen and protect the intestines against unfavorable factors, especially during diarrhea and indigestion.

Expected results

  • Reduces the occurrence of diarrhea and indigestion

How to dose STOPPER GEL?

How to dose Stopper Gel?
Standard use: 2 ml administered directly orally, once a day

STOPPER GEL we recommend use with the following products:

Support duringSupportive productWhy provide a supporting product?How to dose the supporting product together with Stopper Gel?
indigestion and bacterial diarrheaACID OREGO LIQUIDTo help reduce diarrhea500 ml/1000 l of water, in the second ½ of the daily water drunk, 3-5 days

Composition in 1L/1kg

Sorbitol (13.5.5), Vegetable charcoal (7.13.1), Glycerin (13.8.2), Propylene glycol (12.11.1)

Sensory additives: Flavoring substances: Mixture of flavoring substances – 400,000 mg,
Technological additives: Emulsifiers: Polyoxyethylene castor oil E484) – 200,000 mg,
Thickening substances: Carboxymethylcellulose (E466) – 10,000 mg

Analytical ingredients

Crude protein – 0%, crude fiber – 0%, crude oils and fats – 0%, crude ash – 0.5%, lysine – 0%, methionine – 0%, calcium – 0%, sodium – 0%, phosphorus – 0%

Humidity: 20%

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