Cinnamomum verum, Garlic, Eugenol

During periods of infection
  • Protects during coccidiosis
  • Helps reduce symptoms of coccidiosis
  • Supports birds’ immunity
  • Provides support for the condition of birds after coccidiosis

Product type: liquid

Available capacity: 1L, 2L, 5L

How does COCCILIN V PLUS work?

COCCILIN V PLUS effectively supports the birds’ body in the fight against coccidiosis. It is particularly recommended as a preventive measure against Eimeria spp. Ingredients of COCCILIN V PLUS limit the development of coccidiosis by negatively affecting the structures of oocysts and the physiological processes of protozoa, including: Sporulation. They support the immune system in the fight against parasites and increase the birds’ appetite, which is extremely important due to the decline in performance during the infection period.

Expected results

  • Reduces the intensity of Eimeria spp. invasion.
  • Reduces the decline in production parameters

How to dose COCCILIN V PLUS?

How to dose Coccilin V plus?
Standard use: 500 – 1000 ml/1000 l of drinking water, in ½ of the water drunk daily, 3-7 days

COCCILIN V PLUS we recommend use with the following products:

Support duringSupportive productWhy provide a supporting product?How to dose the supporting product together with Coccilin V Plus?
Occurrence of coccidiosisSALIVET PLUSTo support in times of inflammation250-500 ml/1000 l of water, in the second ½ of the daily water drunk, 5-7 days
Do not use together (in one water) with Coccilin V plus
BIOLAX PLUSIn case of diarrhea caused by coccidiosis, in order to limit it500-1000 ml/1000 l of drinking water, in ½ of the daily water drunk, for 3-5 days
Do not use together (in one water) with Coccilin V plus
Coccidiosis and co-infection caused by anaerobic bacteriaCLOSTRICTo reduce infection caused by anaerobic bacteria500 ml/1000 l of water, in the second ½ of the daily water drunk, 3-5 days
Do not use together (in one water) with Coccilin V plus
MULTI ACTIVTo support the pH balance of the digestive tract contents and enhance the effect1000 ml/1000 l of water, in the second ½ of the daily water drunk, 3 days
Can be used together (in one water) with CLOSTRIC

Manufactured using ALL – IN technology

All-In Technology is a patented technology for obtaining and standardizing herbal preparations. Each production stage is subject to strict control, from the selection of raw materials, through extraction, to the creation of the finished product.

Key features of patented all-in technology:

High product activity throughout its shelf life​

Constant product activity along the entire length of the drinking line​

Constant level of active ingredients​

Less susceptibility to external factors​

Low dosage, high efficiency​

Elimination of inactive substances​

Composition in 1L/1kg

Propylene glycol (13.11.1), Glycerin (13.8.2)

Sensory additives: Flavoring substances: Mixture of flavoring substances – 445,000 mg (made by concentrating 2,000 g of extract),
Dietary additives: Vitamins: Vitamin B2 (riboflavin phosphate in the form of sodium salt)(3a826) 500 mg;
Technological additives: Emulsifier: Polyoxyethylene castor oil (E 484) – 280,000 mg;

Analytical ingredients

Crude protein – 0%, crude fiber – 0%, crude oils and fats – 0%, crude ash – 0.5%, lysine – 0%, methionine – 0%, calcium – 0%, sodium – 0%, phosphorus – 0%, magnesium – 0%


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