Goldenrod, Silver birch, Parsley, Vitamin A

Kidney function
  • Protects and supports the condition of the kidneys
  • Supports the kidneys against the harmful effects of endo- and exogenous toxins
  • Supports kidney function
  • Facilitates filtration and removal of harmful substances from the body

Product type: liquid

Available capacity: 1L, 5L

How does NEFRIL LIQUID work?

NEFRIL LIQUID is especially recommended during the period of poisoning, as well as during recovery after contact with nephrotoxic agents. It protects the kidneys against the harmful effects of endogenous and exogenous toxins. It facilitates the filtration and removal of harmful metabolites from the body, and supports kidney function during dysfunction of various etiologies. The ingredients of NEFRIL LIQUID increase urine excretion, thus supporting the removal of harmful metabolites and having a detoxifying effect. They may influence the decrease in the concentration of urea and uric acid in blood serum. They affect the sodium-potassium pump, thereby changing the reabsorption of sodium and potassium, leading to the osmotic flow of water into the lumen of the renal tubules. They increase water consumption and also have a beneficial effect on the regeneration processes after the action of nephrotoxic factors.

Expected results

  • Reduces risk of kidney dysfunction

How to dose NEFRIL LIQUID?

How to dose Nefril Liquid?
Standard: 500 ml/1000 l of drinking water, 16-20 h per day, for 3-5 days

NEFRIL LIQUID we recommend use with the following products:

Support duringSupportive productWhy provide a supporting product?How to dose the supporting product together with Nefril Liquid?
PoisoningHEPA PROTo support liver function and fat metabolism500 ml/1000 l of water, in the second ½ of the daily water drunk, 3-7 days
HEPAMIX PLUSTo support liver function and fat metabolism500 ml/1000 l of water, in the second ½ of the daily water drunk, 3-5 days

Manufactured using ALL – IN technology

All-In Technology is a patented technology for obtaining and standardizing herbal preparations. Each production stage is subject to strict control, from the selection of raw materials, through extraction, to the creation of the finished product.

Key features of patented all-in technology:

High product activity throughout its shelf life​

Constant product activity along the entire length of the drinking line​

Constant level of active ingredients​

Less susceptibility to external factors​

Low dosage, high efficiency​

Elimination of inactive substances​

Composition in 1L/1kg

Glycerin (13.8.2), Propylene glycol (13.11.1), Magnesium sulfate monohydrate (11.2.3)

Sensory additives: Mixture of flavoring substances – 873,400 mg,
Dietary additives: Vitamins: Vitamin A (3a672b) – 537,500 IU, Amino acids: L-lysine monohydrochloride (3c321) – 11,000 mg, DL-methionine (3c301) – 10,000 mg ,
Technological additives: Preservatives: Potassium sorbate (1k202) – 1,000 mg,
Emulsifiers: Polyoxyethylene castor oil (E484) – 20,000 mg,
Dietary additives: Vitamins: Vitamin A (3a672b) 537,500 IU,
Amino acids: L-lysine monohydrochloride ( 3c321) – 11,000 mg, DL-methionine (3c301) – 10,000 mg,
Technological additives: Preservatives: Potassium sorbate (1k202) – 1,000 mg,
Emulsifiers: Polyoxethylenated castor oil (E484) – 100,000 mg

Analytical ingredients

Crude protein – 0%, crude fiber – 0%, crude oils and fats – 0%, crude ash – 0.5%, lysine – 1.1%, methionine – 1%, calcium – 0%, sodium – 0%, phosphorus – 0%, magnesium – 0.002%


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