Vitamin C

Heat stress
  • Mobilizes the body’s vital forces
  • Strengthens herd immunity
  • Helps reduce the effects of stress on the animals’ bodies
  • Regulates the body’s water management

Product type: liquid

Available capacity: 1L, 2L, 5L

How does C PLUS work?

C PLUS is a product that supports the immunity and condition of birds and helps limit the deterioration of production results during times of stress. C PLUS ingredients limit the metabolic effects of stress on the birds’ bodies. Vitamin C supports immunity, is an antioxidant and has anti-stress properties. Increasing the concentration of ascorbic acid in the blood increases its absorption in the adrenal glands, causing a reduction in the secretion of corticosterone, the level of which in the blood remaining too long may have an adverse effect on the body, reducing its production and health.

Expected results

  • Improves condition during periods of heat stress
  • Limits the impact of heat stress on production parameters

How to dose C PLUS?

How to dose C Plus?
Standard usage:: 400 ml/1000 l of drinking water, 6-8 hours a day, 3-5 days

C PLUS we recommend use with the following products:

Support duringSupportive productWhy provide a supporting product?How to dose the supporting product together with C Plus?
Heat stressMINTAMIXTo support the functioning of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and breathing comfort200 ml/1000 l, in the second ½ of daily water drunk, 3-5 days
To enhance the effect, we recommend simultaneous spraying of 200 ml/10 l of water/1000 m3, 3-5 days.

Composition in 1L/1kg

Propylene glycol (13.11.1), Glycerin (13.8.2)

Dietary additives: Vitamins: Vitamin C (3a300) – 200,000 mg, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin phosphate in the form of sodium salt) (3a826) – 100 mg;
Technological additives: Preservatives: Potassium sorbate (E 202) – 1,000 mg

Analytical ingredients

Crude protein – 0%, crude fiber – 0%, crude oils and fats – 0%, crude ash – 0.5%, lysine – 0%, methionine – 0%, calcium – 0%, sodium – 0% , phosphorus – 0%, magnesium – 0%


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