Poultry, Healthy start

Wet litter in poultry rearing. How to overcome it?

One of the most important factors that significantly affects the health of poultry is providing animals with appropriate hygienic and living conditions. This term includes: good ventilation of the farm rooms and well-dried bedding, which effectively absorbs water, stool and moisture. If the litter on the ground is wet, it will become an environment for the development of fungi, bacteria and viruses, thus causing numerous diseases.

What characteristics should the bedding have?

Healthy bedding is essential for the proper development of poultry. As bedding is like a mattress, it should be heat-absorbent, dry, low in dust and free from mechanical impurities. Good litter should contain approximately 75% dry matter. Additionally, the litter must be absorbent and absorb ammonia particularly well. One of its tasks is to separate hens from dirt, including feces in the ground. Wet litter is dangerous for poultry because it increases the risk of disease - it creates favourable conditions for pathogens to grow.

When wet litter sticks to the ground and is deposited in the corners of the room, pathogenic microorganisms breed in it. Their excessive presence may lead to diseases and an increase in the daily mortality of birds. Wet litter may also contribute to the occurrence of dermatitis on the soles of the feet in birds.

Wet litter - take preventative action

Preparation that combats the problem of wet litter is Biolax Plus. It is a specialized mixture of herbs containing tannins that supports the body of poultry in cases of indigestion and diarrhea. It is very effective and especially helpful if antibiotics cannot be used to fight chicken diseases. Biolax Plus is therefore ideal for the laying period of hens and before the birds are sold for slaughter.

Tannins in the mix have a positive effect on the digestive system of the poultry, which is extremely important at times of high water loss, e.g. during diarrhoea, which can cause wet litter syndrome. Tannins help to remove toxins, support metabolic processes, stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes and the absorption of nutrients.

Wet litter can be combated comprehensively, and birds will be more resistant with preventive care. Use safe preparations from BioPoint to take comprehensive care of livestock.