Quercus robus, Chestnut

Products for Poultry
Digestive system
  • Supports during periods of indigestion or diarrhea
  • Reduces the problem of “wet litter”
  • Helps reduce the symptoms of diarrhea
  • Supports the body in the fight against the causes and symptoms of indigestion

Product type: liquid

Available capacity: 1L, 2L, 5L

How does BIOLAX PLUS work?

BIOLAX PLUS is a specialized mixture of herbs with a high content of tannins, supporting during indigestion or diarrhea. Tannins are known for their astringent effect. BIOLAX PLUS can be effectively used in the initial period when wet litter is observed on the farm, especially in situations when it is not possible to use antibiotics such as in laying hens or before slaughter. BIOLAX PLUS application is particularly beneficial during the dehydration of birds associated with diarrhea of various etiologies. Moreover, preparation’s ingredients facilitate the removal of toxins from the organism, and also support metabolic processes, stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes and the absorption of nutrients.

Expected results

Reduces the occurrence of diarrhea and indigestion

How to dose BIOLAX PLUS?

How to dose Biolax Plus?
Standard use: 500-1000 ml/1000 l of drinking water, continuous administration, for 3-5 days

BIOLAX PLUS we recommend use with the following products:

Support duringSupportive productWhy provide a supporting product?How to dose a supporting product together with Biolax Plus?
Bacterial diarrheaMULTI ACTIVTo support the pH balance of the gastrointestinal content,
especially recommended in the case of an infection caused by anaerobic bacteria
 500-1000 ml/1000 l of drinking water, in  ½ of the daily water drunk, 3-5 days

Manufactured using ALL – IN technology

All-In Technology is a patented technology for obtaining and standardizing herbal preparations. Each production stage is subject to strict control, from the selection of raw materials, through extraction, to the creation of the finished product.

Key features of patented all-in technology:

High product activity throughout its shelf life​

Constant product activity along the entire length of the drinking line​

Constant level of active ingredients​

Less susceptibility to external factors​

Low dosage, high efficiency​

Elimination of inactive substances​

Composition in 1L/1kg

Propylene glycol (13.11.1), Glycerin (13.8.2)

Sensory additives: Flavoring substances: Blend of flavoring substances

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