
Plant extract applicationfor controlling respiratorydiseases in turkeys


Poultry health faces significant challenges due to respiratory diseases, coccidiosis, and liver issues, all of which impact flock productivity and profitability. Respiratory diseases, often polyetiological, arise from bacterial, viral, and fungal infections exacerbated by environmental factors and poor biosecurity. Conditions like colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, and bordetellosis affect the respiratory tract, with symptoms such as coughing, dyspnea, and mortality. Traditional antibiotics face resistance issues, prompting exploration of herbal extracts like garlic, oregano, and eucalyptus for their antibacterial properties, which disrupt bacterial metabolism and enhance flock health.

Coccidiosis, caused by Eimeria spp., damages intestinal cells, leading to weight loss and reduced feed efficiency. Preventive strategies include hygiene, vaccination, and herbal alternatives like Coccilin, which combines garlic, oregano, and celandine to reduce oocyst levels and support immunity.

Liver health, crucial for metabolic and detoxifying functions, is threatened by pathogens and toxins. Natural remedies, such as milk thistle and dandelion, contain antioxidants and regenerative compounds that protect hepatocytes and repair DNA. Supplements like Hepamix Plus, enriched with vitamins and trace elements, further enhance liver function and prevent fat deposition.

In conclusion, integrating modern biosecurity measures, herbal therapies, and targeted nutrition can effectively address these challenges, ensuring healthier flocks and sustainable poultry production.

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